Wednesday, September 24, 2008

They got me

Okay, I've been tagged. Lets see if I can find anything interesting to tell you...

Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here it goes:

1. I love candy corn. I mean, I LOVE candy corn. I eat them relentlessly while sitting at my desk until I can eat no more...and then I do. It's really disgusting.

2. I fantasize about getting a tattoo. I have even made drawings of what I would like to have tattooed. But I can't decide on a body part that won't (or already has) sag or droop or generally misshapen the image. That and I'm a big chicken!

3. I can't stand the Beach Boys. Sorry, but I can't. I don't even know where that came from.

4. I'm really sarcastic. What, you knew that already? Yeah, ok, but I needed filler...

5. I started going gray at the age of 21. Just the crown of my head. Runs in the family as my grandmother got the skunk stripe at 16! I have been coloring my hair ever since!

6. I love vampires! I don't know why, but I do! Vampire movies, tv series, books, documentaries..they completely fascinate me. And the fact that there are people who really think they are vampires when the whole idea was created by a fictional writer-crazy interesting! Well, some people believe what they read in the Enquirer too, right?

7. Okay folks, this is a biggie, for me. Friday I turn 40. 40!!!!!!!! And I am still not rich or famous yet. Boy, time slips by...

Hey, can you move those candy corns off my desk please? Somebody get me a stretcher...

I am not going to pass this on...I'm way too lazy to list 7 people and then go to their blogs and let them know. Just kidding!!! Well, not the lazy part, but most people I would choose have already been tagged, so I will spare you!

Have a great day everyone!!


MelissaS said...

I started reading this post and almost spit my candy corn out of my mouth!! I bought my first bag of the season yesterday and it's almost gone. I have to leave it at work so I don't eat it all night, too :) I agree, it is disgusting, but have to keep at it...

kadie said...

Danielle, I cannot, absolutely not believe you're about to turn 40. You don't look 40 at all, no way. I love your pic btw, you look like such a fun and bubbly person :) And you may not be rich, but you sure are talented! I love your cards :) --kadie

Catherine said...

WHAT?! You're 40... man, you look great and beautiful :)

1. Candycorns, i love them but only this time of the year..weird i know!
2. This is just way too funny! I got mine done but regretted getting it (well, where it is/wish it was not visible)then a year later got another one...the second one i love...LOL!
3. Same here... can't stand them.
4. You sarcastic?! I can be too...LOL!
5. I'm starting to get gray, I'll be turning 36 next month.
6. Scared of them.
7. Again... look above =)
And here's wishing you a Happy Birthday!

Julia Aston said...

well Danielle - I had NO IDEA that you were sarcastic (HA!) I can do the same thing with candy corn - and my DH absolutely hates candy corn - every time I get it out - he starts in with 'who really eats that sugar stuff???? or - they made all the candy corn in the world years ago - and just keep bringing some out every year - he really has a phobia about it huh!!!

A card has gone postal for you today! It MAY even arrive in a timely fashion!!!

Happy, Happy B'day you young thing you!!!

Shelly said...

We are soul mates but I am 5 years older. Beach Boys? Don't like them either. I have the same tattoo issues, have designs and can't commit to an area. Oh well, we will just be wanna be's I guess.

Lorraine said...

no beach boys here, either. well maybe one song after I'm liquored up! lol
No's like putting graffiti on a Michelangelo painting

Rose Ann said...

Love reading your facts, Danielle!!

Broni said...

Ok, I just snickered all through your answers! You are too funny! And I NEVER would have believed you're turning forty!!! You look like a baby!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! You should spend all day reading the Southern Vampire series (I love Sookie!) and eating candy corn!! You deserve it!

jjcreations said...

You are too funny Danielle. Loved reading your tid-bits. Hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow!!!!! You do not look 40! (I get to celebrate 50
in February - yikes)
Toodles, JOAN

Kim Mraz said...

how fun learning a little more about you :)

Happy Birthday tomorrow

Denise Marzec said...

Hey, HAPPY Birthday!!!!!! :) totally don't look all!

Linsey R said...

Haha!!! You are such a hoot, Danielle! We are so similar, girl! I also have been going gray since hs (more like your mom, than you) and I love candy corns too--although I don't think I love them as much as you, lol! Vampires?! Coolness-me too! Now, I didn't realize it was your bday coming up, but I do now, yay!!! Happy 40th, gf! You seriously don't look a second over 25-you may not be rich, but you are famous in my book! I'm one of your biggest fans! Hugs and have a great day! :)

Bonnie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY! You made it to 40 :o) All is well! If you get a caterpillar tattoo, when you are older it turns into a butterfly, so very pretty! Either that, or a boa constrictor--I forget which!

Anonymous said...

LOL-- The candy corn and beach boys cracked me up... I don't like the Beach Boys either--- so I'm with you on that! Is that not American??? :) Thanks so much for the congrats and blog comments by the way too!!

Michele Kovack said...

You crack me up! To be honest I don't like the Beach Boys either. I don't have a tatoo because my mother used to tell me the same thing....."why would people get a tattoo when that body part is going to get all wrinkly and saggy?" Can you imagine your grandmother with all of those tatoos? (That's why I never got one....I got that visual, and it was over for me!) 40? No way! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Ila said...

Haa Haa ha....what great read!! I love candy corn too..and Happy Happy Belated Birthday!! you look Wonderful!! daughter...started to get some gray hair before she hit her teens...I was so stunned...I took her to the Dr....who said it is just hereditary and not as uncommon as one would think!!..Hugs, Ila

Anonymous said...

See, that's why I like you! We have so much in common! Sarcasm...wonderful! Candy corn...yum! (Have you seen the chocolate caramel ones? OMG...) Coloring hair...yep, but I won't say how long I've been doing it. :) And Beach Boys..ick! lol.