High Hopes is having a blog hop. Check out this new wonderful blog! Then go check out Ila's blog Artfully Ila to see her wonderful High Hopes card and info on the blog candy she is offering. I love High Hopes stamps! I cannot get enough of them. If they don't stop with all this Hot off the Press stuff I am gonna be broke!
Now I want to mention how cool this new Followers feature on Blogger is. I saw it on a couple of other blogs and didn't really pay much attention at first. But then when I went to create a post there was a place to list all of the blogs that I follow. So I decided to look into it further. I was able to take every blog I am subscribed to in my Google Reader and import it into Blogger Followers and now everyone who displays the Follower icon on their blog will see me. It was so cool to click on each person pictured on the gadget who is following my blog (all 6 of them, lol!) and see who they are and read their profile.
I really prefer to use Google Reader to stay updated on my subcriptions rather than an email feed. It's so easy now to just click on the "Follow this blog" option if I am on someone's Google blog and it adds right to my subscriptions. If you use Blogger, check it out!
Okay you guilted me into it...... LOL!
Thanks so much for spreading the news of the blog candy and the new challenge blog!! Good Luck!!...Hugs, Ila
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